Saturday, March 31, 2012

It’s Raining, It’s Pouring . . . .

I won, I won!!!  Not the lottery, silly.  I don’t buy lottery tickets and Alabama doesn’t sell them.  So what did I win?  I won the RV washing race.  I beat the rain.  Yesterday I finished washing the rig and today God is rinsing it.  What a team.  Now if Amazon would come through and deliver my new waxer/polisher/buffer.

It’s pouring outside.  Does that mean a PJ day?  I dunno!!  We’re supposed to go with Norm and Linda to the Sausage Festival in Elberta.  That maybe a washout.  If it is, then it will most definitely be a PJ day.  I have a recliner and a great book and a man quilt and a cuddly kitty.  All that I need to add is a nice cold drink and my PJ day will be complete.

I’m inviting my bride to join me, but she just might sit in front of her sewing machine instead in which case I’ll lose my cuddly kitty as well (he just loves to help with sewing).  But, she’ll most likely join me at some point during the day to spend some time reclining and reading as she has no less than four books to read in the next two weeks.  Then I’d get my cuddly kitty back.

After we finished our morning chores yesterday, we headed for Spanish Fort to get some kitty supplies.  We needed to pick up enough kitty food, kitty litter, and kitty vitamins to last until we get to Michigan in June.  The bad news is that they (PetSmart) were all out of Alex’s urinary track support supplements.  That will mean another trip up there before we leave unless we can find them somewhere around here. 

Talk about pampered pussies, they get Blue Buffalo’s Sensitive Stomach all natural katt food at $36 for a 15 pound bag.  They both have sensitive digestive systems and will get sick or diarrhea on cheaper brand foods.  Also, we get them Dr. Esley’s Precious Katt litter that clumps better and tracks less than other litters.  Then they both get treats, Katie gets GNC vitamins while Alex gets GNC Urinary Track Support supplements.  Alex is prone to urinary tract infections.  Katie doesn’t really need the vitamins, but she wants a “treat” whenever Alex gets one and the vitamins are cheaper than the UT supplements.

Well, that’s probably more information than you needed about katt care and it’s still pouring outside so I guess it’s time to roll over and catch another “Z” or two.

Have A Great Rainbow Day and May God Bless  - - - - - - - - -

Friday, March 30, 2012

Same Ol’, Same Ol’

We awoke to “wain dwops on our woof” this morning.  Yesterday the truck got the day off as we didn’t go anywhere.  Well, anywhere outside of the campus, that is.  I continued with washing the rig while Judy was busy with her crafting buddies.  Oops, I almost forgot that Judy went with Linda to Hobby Lobby which is right next to Five Guys burger house (no, they didn’t drop in on Five Guys).

Yesterday morning Judy went to her quilting group gathering, then she and Linda went for their little ride to HL.  After lunch, she went back to the clubhouse for another crafting event – making bracelets.  At five o’clock we both headed back to the clubhouse to make salads and then join in on the “last supper” of the season.  We enjoyed our trip a lot, but it is nice to be back in the barn with all our stall mates.

We’re not supposed to get very much in the way of “wain” today so I’ll be able to finish washing the rig.  While I’m waiting for the arrival of my new waxer/polisher/buffer I’ll take everything out of the basement so that I can vacuum and wash the floor, but that will be tomorrow’s job.

While Judy and I were busy doing our thing, Katie and Alex have been busy doing their thing.  Meowing, purring, looking for attention, getting into things, eating, and, of course, taking katt naps.  So things are pretty much the same ol’, same ol’ around the Patterson house.

Be Careful, Have Fun, and May God Bless  - - - - - - - - -  

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Up On The Roof Top

I “clim” up onto the roof with knee pads, bucket, Lestoil, rags, scrub brush, and a hose and spent the next two hours on my hands and knees washing the roof.  Now I’m ready to go on vacation.  Being a tourist is hard work, but it is nothing compared to scrubbing a rubber roof by hand. 

Anywhoo, the roof is clean once again.  I got to thinking about it and it’s been over ten months since it was last washed.  Usually it gets washed at least twice a year, but we took off for beautiful downtown Campbellsville so it didn’t get it’s November washing.

That was it for the day, I have to pace myself, ya know?  “Ah but..two hours of pushing brush, buys an eight to twelve ounce two bit brew, I’m a man of means by no means – King of my castle.”

While I was “on top of things”, my bride was busy inside doing laundry, vacuuming the house, and several other household cleaning chores.  By the time we put most of our daily chores behind us, it was time for lunch so I prepared a couple of muffalettas for us.  That would be our big meal of the day.

From there, we took to our recliners for a little time of relaxation.  Then we drove over to Magnolia Springs library to get some new reading material.  Once we returned from there, it was Tea Time.  So I had a mixed drink while Judy sipped her iced tea.  My mixed drink was tomato juice with a dash of hot sauce mixed with a little olive juice and a nice queen sized olive stuffed with jalapeno pepper.  Ah, that’s good for whatever ails you.

Last night was filled with reading, watching the news (why bother?), and more reading.  Today I plan to wash half of the RV beginning with the front and working down the patio side.  Tomorrow I’ll do the other side.  Next week, once my new waxer/polisher/buffer arrives, I will begin the “big job” of polishing every square inch of the rig followed by the waxing of every square inch of the rig.  That’ll give me something to do and keep me off the streets, that’s for sure.

I think my girl friend is going to her quilting group this morning.  It’s time for her to dig out all her “stuff” and get busy.  She has a lot of projects that she wants to finish up by year’s end.  That’ll will give her something to do and keep her off the streets as well.

Be Sure To Hug Your Katt and May God Bless  - - - - - - - -

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Honey, We’re Home

After a two and a half hour travel day, we arrived safely home sweet home.  By twelve-thirty we were all set up and on our way to visit uncle Wally as the fridge was a tad bit light.  By two o’clock we were all moved in as if we’d never been away.

Last night we had dinner with around eighty of our closest friends at the clubhouse.  It was a “clean out the cupboards, refrigerator, freezer, end of the year, thank you volunteers, freebee” kind of dinner.   Larry and Karen were busy all afternoon preparing a potpourri of dishes to be served pot luck style.  There was plenty of food to eat with seconds and even thirds for those who were really hungry.  This will be the last week of Tuesday/Thursday dinners at the clubhouse as things are winding down here at Rainbow Plantation.  Yay, the Gary/Larry/Karen show will be on again for another season come this fall.

When we came home, the door to the coach was wide opened.  The first thought that came to our minds was, “where are the katts?”  When we got to the opened door, there was Katie just standing there looking out the door waiting for us.  Alex was up on the bed.  How the door came to be open and/or how long had it been open remains a mystery.  Absolutely nothing was touched inside the house and nothing was missing.  Good kitties, we had visions of spending the night looking for them.  Normally we lock the door whenever we’re away, but for some reason we didn’t do that this time.  From now on we’ll make sure that it’s locked before leaving the premises.

After we got settled in for the evening, we ordered a new set of steps and a waxer/polisher/buffer.  Like a lot of “stuff” that Forest River installed on our coach, the steps were cheaply built and actually dangerous whenever they are wet.  They were poorly designed and built with “light weight” steel leaving them weak and slippery.  So we ordered some new steps built by Hickory Springs which are slightly heavier with wider treads.

This morning I will don my workingman’s clothes, climb up on the roof with my knee pads and cleaning stuff, and wash the roof.  Tomorrow I’ll begin washing the rig from front to back, side to side.  Then I will “polish” the rig to remove any and all oxidation which will be followed by a “wax on / wax off” marathon.  I’ll be a busy little boy over the next few weeks, that’s for sure.

Judy will enter into a sewing marathon.  She has several projects that she needs to get done before we head north and she will have several more to work on once we set up housekeeping in Petoskey, Michigan.  While here at the Plantation she will pick fellow quilters’ minds for tips and techniques so she’ll definitely keep herself busy as well. 

Katie has a few things she wants to get done while we’re here.  She has birds to watch, toys to play with, and naps to take.  Alex wants to sit outside for tea time, help mama with her sewing, and test the mattress to make sure it’s up to standard.  So, as you can see, the Pattersons have plenty to keep ourselves busy over the next three weeks.

The fog is lifting and the time is moving on so I best get ready to punch the clock and get busy.

Take Care and May God Bless  - - - - - - - - -

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Spending Time With Great Friends

Randy, Terry, Judy, and I drove on up to Dothan, Alabama so Randy could get a new phone and Terry could get a new digital camera.  We started by stopping by Cracker Barrel for breakfast (that makes sense, doesn’t it?) and then onto the shopping spree.  Once returning home we spent the afternoon relaxing and reading.

Terry prepared a great roast pork dinner with green beans and garlic mashed potatoes so we gathered together at their house at four thirty for dinner.  Then we moved outside just to solve all the world’s problems while enjoying each other’s company.

While we were sitting out talking and swatting mosquitoes, another couple arrived at the park.  Randy was nice enough to help them find their site (there’s so many here that it’s hard to find your way around).  After they got parked the husband came over to ask about local stores.  They had just bought the rig and had meat and charcoal, but no grill.  Randy lent them his so they were happy campers. 

It turned out that they were from Magnolia Springs, Alabama which is right around the corner from Rainbow Plantation.  His wife is one of the librarians at the new Magnolia Springs library.  As we were talking with them they stated that their friends were just at Rainbow Plantation.  Of course we asked who they were and it turned out to be our good friends Allan and Jeanne Webster.  Another small world event. 

Boy, does time go by fast when you’re having fun.  We’re glad that we had this time to spend with Randy and Terry, but it just went screaming by.  This morning we’ll be heading home bringing this trip to a close.  Next it will be onto readying ourselves for this summer’s travels.  We’ll have three weeks to get ready.

Well, it’s time to start packing up and heading out so see ya tomorrow from Rainbow Plantation in Summerdale, Alabama.

May God Bless  - - - - - - - - -

Monday, March 26, 2012

“We’re Here”

The weather has been absolutely fantastic.  Too good to be traveling, but traveling is what we have been doing over the past two days.  Anyway, “Honey, we’re home!!”  We came rolling into Florida Springs RV Park shortly after one-thirty. 

Terry was in the office making sure the owner was doing things correctly when Judy came walking in.  Randy made his way over to meet me while I was waiting for Judy to sign us in.  This is a cute little park just a mile off I-10.  They have an escort service (Randy and Terry escorted us to our site) and a swinger’s hangout (two neat swinging benches where you can relax).

Well, you just know that the conversation picked up as if it had never ceased.  It is soooooo gooooood to see Randy and Terry again and to be able to spend a couple days with them.  We sat outside to chit chat and laugh for awhile and then they “slung up some hash” (thanks for dinner, you guys).   It was so nice out that we ate outside as well.  Terry had choir rehearsal so Judy and I visited with Randy while Terry worked on her “flat” note. 

Once Terry returned we continued to sit outside until the ice cream started calling us.  A quick trip to Old MacDonald’s for a hot fudge sundae on Sunday quenched that need.  We continued sitting outside chatting and chuckling until the mosquitoes began chomping on us and then we moved inside for awhile. 

It was around eight-thirty when we headed home for Jammies and Beddy.  We slept with the windows opened for the second night in a row.  To repeat our opening statement, “The weather has been absolutely fantastic.”

Be Good, Be Careful, Have Fun, and May God Bless  - - - - - - - - - 

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Get Along Home Judy, Judy

That’s the direction that we’re heading, but first we need to have “brek-fest” with Randy and Terry on our way (well, maybe just a tad bit out of the way, but what the heck).  Yesterday was an uneventful travel day, but, oh-oh!!!  There was no room in the inn when we arrived at Fontainebleau State Park; that is, there were no sites with water/electric hook ups available.  They did have some “tent” sites which are huge so we opted for a boondocking night.

Not only was the site huge, but it was paved and level so all we had to do was put down the levelers, turn on the inverter, and we were “home sweet home”.  We have good internet coverage, good phone coverage, and lots of television stations (nothing worth watching, but lots of stations none the less).

Once we got set up we had BLTs for lunch.  Then we walked back to the office to pay for the site.  The gal gave us a list of available sites and told us to call her and let her know which site we selected.  She said we could come up to the office later to pay for the site.  That walk turned out to be a little over a mile (which means a little over a mile back).  A nice little walk in the woods on a beautiful sunny day.

We dug out our lawn chairs with some iced teas and sat outside while enjoying our boondocking site here at Fontainebleau.  The temps got up into the eighties with low humidity and a nice gentle breeze to keep us comfortable.  It was a nice relaxing afternoon.

For dinner we had a nice grilled chicken salad with a drum stick ice cream cone for dessert.  What’s this?  One day in a row without eating out?  Man, I can see we’re headed on a dangerous downward slippery slope.  We have a reputation to uphold. ya know??  This can’t be good!!!  Rumor has it that Mike and Peggy ate at home as well.

Here’s a picture of our boondocking site here in Mandeville, Louisiana as well as “the neighborhood”.  Large site, huh?  CC and Winne could have easily shared the same site.



Today, we head off for Bonifay, Florida to visit with Randy and Terry.  On Tuesday we’ll return to our stall at Rainbow Plantation to recuperate and get ready for our summer travels which will begin in about three weeks.

So In The Meantime, May God Bless  - - - - - - - - -

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Just A Little Horsing Around

We completed our final outing with Mike and Peggy on this trip yesterday with a tour about Natchez, Mississippi.  Natchez is a quaint little town with a lot of southern charm located along the Mississippi River.  It was founded in 1716 which makes it the oldest city on the Mississippi.  The first route into Natchez was the Natchez Trace, originally a buffalo trail and later used by Native Americans and early settlers.  Flatboat men brought their cargo downriver to Natchez where they sold their goods and boats and then walked or rode wagons north toward home on the Trace.

Speaking of the Mississippi River, here’s the “Mighty Mississip” looking north from downtown Natchez.


We began our tour by visiting Natchez Under The Hill where all that trading took place many, many years ago.  Today it is home to an old paddlewheel boat that has been converted into the Isle of Capri Casino.

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Next we parked the truck and took to hoofing, literally, around town by taking a carriage tour of Natchez.  Our hosts were James and Norma Jean.  If Norma Jean could talk, she wouldn’t need James since she’s made this trip so much that she knows the way by heart.

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There are many Antebellum homes located in and around Natchez and the tour passes by several of them as well as many other historic sites.  One of the more stately homes is Stanton Hall which was built in 1858 at a cost of $83,000.

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We enjoyed the fact that most of the old historic homes in Natchez have been restored to their former glory.  Also, it was nice to find some nicely manicured backyards along the way as well.

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St. Mary’s Basilica was built in 1842 and is still an active church today.


After our carriage tour we visited the Barber of Natchez Museum which was home to William Johnson, a freed slave.  His homestead is now a National Historical Site.


Well, true to life, there’s no way the Evringhams and Pattersons are going to miss an opportunity to eat, so this time it was the Pig Out Inn (come to think of it, Pig Out is exactly what we did at Nikki’s the night before).  Anyway, before Bill’s Bar-B-Que in Kerrville, Texas, the Pig Out Inn was our very favorite BBQ joint, even better than Blues City Café in Memphis, however, Bill’s slightly noses out the POI.  But, POI remains at the top of our list as number one-point-five.

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After lunch, we took a short drive to Melrose Estate which is another antebellum home.  The home was being restored so it was no where near as beautiful as it was when we last visited four years ago.

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After a busy day, we returned home to sit outside and enjoy some freshly squeezed margaritas, warm sunshine, and good friends.  We’ve enjoyed traveling with Mike and Peggy and have had a grand old time, hope to do it again sometime.  This morning they will be heading northeast up the Natchez Trace Parkway while we head southeast toward Fontainebleau State Park on the north side of Lake Pontchartrain.  Take care, you guys, see ya in about seven weeks in the great state of Maine where the Kopper Kettle and Capt’n Mike’s awaits us.

And last, but not least, this is for Randy.  There’s no fence around it, so someone must care!  See you guys tomorrow in beautiful Bonifay, Florida.


All Good Things Must Come To An End so May God Bless  - - - - - - - - -

Friday, March 23, 2012

Over The River And Through The Woods

Everything went off without a hitch.  We got out the “door” right as planned; that is, we departed Rainbow’s End at 0830.  Things were rolling along just hunky dory until Judy spotted “the sign”.  The sign said, “Vehicles greater than 12’3” HT take route 190 detour”.  There was more writing in smaller print on the sign, but traveling at 60 MPH you couldn’t read it all, however, Judy said she saw the word Deridder somewhere among all those words.  That would prove to be crucial.

So we kept right on 190 while Maggie scolded us – “Off route, recalculating.”  She had it in her mind that we had to get back on Texas route 63 and was relentless.  However, we pulled over and got out the maps.  Mike and Peggy’s atlas showed route 63 going northeast while Route 190 went southeast.  We saw a railroad track on the atlas so figured that a railroad bridge was probably the 12’3” restriction. We plotted a new route by going a little further on route 190 and then heading north on Texas route 87.

All went as planned until we joined back up with route 63 and traveled a few miles east.  Then we saw another sign for the 12’3” height restriction; we hadn’t gone far enough east to get around it.  So now what to do?  We came to county route “umpty scrumpt” heading south so decided to take that.  Well, let me tell ya, that was a back, back, back road winding through the Texas countryside.


We did manage to get back to Texas route 87, then onto Newton, Texas where we picked up route 190 once again.  So it was onto Deridder, Louisiana (remember that little crucial bit of information?) and then north to Leesville which brought us back to our original route.

That little “do loop” costs us about an hour and a half in travel time, but took us through some beautiful Texas country side.  It’s just that we don’t generally take Winne and CC on joy rides.  Bottom line, RVers – stay off of Texas route 63 between Jasper, Texas and Leesville, Louisiana, unless you are looking for a convertible RV.  Most motorhomes are around 12’6” tall and our fifthwheel is 13’2”.

We are staying at Riverview RV Park in Vidalia, Louisiana which is just across the river from Natchez, Mississippi.  It is a nice park, however, a little pricey.  With a Passport discount for one night and Escapees discount for the second, it still costs $72 for two nights.  Oh well, there is a nice concrete walking trail along the riverside that runs from the campground to Riverside Park (a little over a mile long) and it is the closest RV park to Natchez.

Once we got set up and finished martini time, the four of us headed out to Nikki’s for some good old down home cooking.  Holy cow, when the waitress brought our order I thought she should have had a wheel barrel – and then she went back for a second trip.  Oh my, we couldn’t eat it all and needed dawgie boxes.  I haven’t seen that much food since Lambert’s in Foley.  Judy had pop corn shrimp with sweet potato tots and I had pop corn shrimp with onion rings and crawfish etouffee.  Oh yes, there was a salad bar included as well.

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Needless to say, we couldn’t just sit after a meal like that so we hit the trail and waddled along side the Mighty Mississippi up to the Visitor’s Center at Riverside park and back again just to get some exercise and walk off some of that food.  That was about a two mile trek which left us feeling a little better. 

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By the time we returned from our walk, we heard our jammie’s calling real loud (screaming actually).  Having donned them, we melted into our recliners where we stayed perched until beddie bye time.

Today we’ll visit Natchez, Mississippi and have lupper at Pig Out Inn (if last night’s meal has worn off by then).  Be sure to catch up with us in the morning for a photo tour of Natchez.

May God Bless  - - - - - - - - -

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Not Much Happenin’ ‘Round Here

Finally, Mr. Sunshine showed up.  It sure was nice to see him once again, we were starting to grow gills on the sides of our necks.  We should have a nice clear travel day providing we don’t encounter any flooded highways along the way.  Louisiana had lots and lots of rain and, being basically low lying flat land, it tends to flood easily.

The only trip out yesterday was to top off the truck’s tank with good old number two diesel fuel.  Other than that, it was hanging out inside and visiting with the neighbors.  Peggy and Judy went for a nice power walk about the park, Mike did some preventive maintenance “stuff” on Winne, and I just putzed around for most the day.

After dinner, Mike, Peggy, Judy, and I indulged in some more root beer floats for dessert.  We managed to finish off the vanilla ice cream and A&W root beer.  They were yummy and hit the spot.  Once Mike and Peggy headed back to their stall, Judy and I cued up West Wing and watched another episode.  Then we settled in for a long spring’s night.

So today wraps up our spring break in Texas.  We’ll be in Natchez, Mississippi before day’s end.  Another day, another adventure. 

Happy Trails and May God Bless  - - - - - - - -

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

How High’s The Water, Mama?

Well, that wasn’t so bad.  Yesterday’s stormy day was primarily a rain event.  We had some thunder and lightening, but no severe weather patterns with high winds in our area.  That wasn’t the case everywhere in Texas.  Some tornadic activity was reported in various places around the state.  There’s still rain in our forecast for most of today and the mess that we had yesterday is hanging around Natchez, so we’ll be hanging out here for another day.

We (the four of us) decided that we’d been cooped up long enough so around five o’clock we decided to go out and “rustle up some grub”.  We found yet another fine eatery that quickly rose up our list of great places to dine.  The Grill is located in Shepherd, Texas about 12 miles south of Rainbow’s End right on route 59.  Great food at great prices, we rated it higher than Florida’s Kitchen.  It’s open more often (only closed on Mondays) and has a more extensive menu with good sized portions, the service was very good as well.

Being that we only get one “over the air” television station here at Rainbow’s End, Mike and I ran a cable between our rigs so that Judy and I could piggy back their satellite.  It’s billed as television Mikee’s way which means that we only get to watch whatever Mikee is watching.  The good thing is that Mikee likes NCIS, one of our favorites.  So we got to watch that and then NCIS Los Angeles followed by Unforgettable.

So, what does one do when one is cooped up inside?  Miss Judy and I did a lot of reading.  We both finished the books that we were reading and began scrounging around for something else to read.  I think Judy found something, but I’m still looking.  We made BLT’s for lunch and did the routine indoor chores.  I took a little snooze in my recliner, but that was just about it. 

We managed to schedule our trip to Texas during one of the wettest Marches in their recent history, however, they can really use the rain.  This early spring weather has nicely “greened” up the area plus we’ve had enough good days to see and do all the things that we’d planned; therefore, “it’s all good”.

Stay High And Dry and May God Bless  - - - - - - - -

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

We Can Hide, But We Can’t Run!!!

A monster storm will be buffeting us in about an hour so we’ve battened down the hatches and are preparing to ride out the weather right here at Rainbow’s End – we can only hope that there’ll be a “rainbow” at the “end” of this storm.  The good news, for us, that is, is that the storm will be primarily a severe thunder storm event with most of the real bad stuff taking place north of Livingston, Texas.

Yesterday was primarily a nothing day with the highlight being root beer floats for dessert.  Mike and Peggy joined in to help us get rid of some the root beer and vanilla ice cream – we did a dang nice job of it, but there’s probably enough left for the four of us to toast the storm with later this afternoon.

Our plan, should it hold, is to depart here tomorrow morning heading for Natchez, Mississippi.  Everything hinges on how fast the storm passes through.  It’s moving slowly and may entertain us through the night as well as right into tomorrow morning, we’ll just have to wait and see.

So, as you can see, everything for us today pretty much rides on the weather conditions.  We have water on board, we have the batteries charged with the inverter on standby, we have our Nooks charged up, we have West Wing cued up in the DVD, and we have some games that we can break out, so we have plenty to keep us entertained while Mother Nature unleashes her fury all around us.

The Force Be With You and May God Bless  - - - - - - - -

Monday, March 19, 2012

Heading East

Yesterday’s trip from the Texas Hill Country back to Rainbow’s End was uneventful, but, at six hours, was a little too long for our liking.  One thing that we noticed was that in Texas “they” (whoever “they” are) dress up the overpasses.  Not just your average concrete stanchions with steel girders.  “They” use color and design in the concrete, as you can see from the pictures below.  Being that Texas is the Lone Star State, you’ll see lots of stars in the decor.

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Being that we are in the “Global Warming” phase of history, the warmer winter/spring has brought the wild flowers out in full bloom earlier this year.  Real “purdy” to say the least.  Here are the blue bonnets, they’re everywhere and just plain beautiful.


Judy shot the following pictures as we were going down the highway so they are just a tad bit blurry, but you get the idea.  God is a great artist and the flowers were gorgeous.

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We made it to Rainbow’s End around two o’clock, set up camp, and headed to Pizza Hut for some grub.  Pizza Hut has never been one of our favorite pizza places and still isn’t, but it was substance and we were hungry.  Plus we added one more state to the list of states where the four of us have shared pizza.

Just lucky, I guess, but we managed to get one of the most unleveled sites that we’ve had in a long, long time.  If we still had that cheap landing gear that Forest River installed on our rig, we’d have never gotten level.  But, the new Ultra-Fab system had no problem leveling front to rear and side to side.  The legs are extended further than I’ve ever had to extend them with the “gooseneck” of CC so high that I can walk under the front without ducking.

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There’s a severe weather pattern heading our way so we’ll hunker down here until it passes.  But, another problem with staying at Rainbow’s End is that we only get one television station (FOX).  Now, we don’t really watch a lot of TV, but do like the weather coverage when there’s strong storms passing our way.  In any event, we’ll have plenty of time for reading and for watching West Wing; we’re up to year five now.

Hope You’re Having A Good Day and May God Bless  - - - - - - - - - -

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Moving, Moving, Moving

Keep those RVs moving, Rubberhide!!!  Well, that does it for the Texas Hill Country trip of 2012.  We finished up yesterday by celebrating my baby’s 39th wedding anniversary.  To celebrate, we decided to have lunch at Gatti’s Pizza in Fredericksburg.  Gatti’s has a great buffet with drinks and dessert for $18.30 per couple (I think they offer senior discounts as well). 

Anyhow, we made a last minute decision just as we were approaching Fredericksburg.  We can get pizza anywhere, anytime so while we’re in German food country, we should eat German.  Der Lindenbaum became our new destination and it turned out to be a great decision.  On top of some great meals, Mike and Peggy surprised us by picking up the check – a special thank you to them.  Check out Maineiacs In Motion for their take on our last few days here in the Texas Hill Country entitled “It’s All Judy’s Fault”.

Once we returned home, the four of us got busy doing some of the preliminary preparations for this morning’s departure.  We decided to pull out around eight o’clock in order to out run the storms that are headed our way.  We should, emphasis on the word should, be able to reach Livingston before any inclement weather catches up to us.  The next two days we are predicted to be inundated with thunder storms while in Livingston which means some hunkering down time.  Be sure to catch up with us at Rainbow’s End tomorrow.

Take Care Until Then and May God Bless  - - - - - - - - -

Saturday, March 17, 2012

And The Beat Goes On

The E’s and the P’s made their way northwestward through the Texas Hill Country to the town of Kerrville where we rendezvoused with Jim, Ellie, Rod, and Deb for yet another mighty fine meal.



This time it was at Bill’s Bar-B-Que and it was yum, yum, yummy.  The sides were okay, but the meats “were to die for”.  You get your choice of brisket, pork loin, ribs, sausage, turkey, chicken, and/or goat.  The meat was so tender that it just melted in your mouth.  Bill’s had a decent barbeque sauce as well, but I liked the smoky taste of the meat just the way it was.



After feeding our faces, we just sat around and visited for awhile.  Bill came out and took a group photo of the eight of us and gave us some “beverage can coolers”. (Jim,Peggy,Mike,Rod,Deb,Darrell,Judy,Ellie)


Then it was time to say “see ya down the road” to Rod, Deb, Jim, and Ellie.  We really enjoyed spending time with them and hope that our trails cross often in the future.  And it was wonderful to finally meet Rod and Deb face to face during our stay in the Texas Hill Country.

Of course, just because we’re adults and we can, we made a pit stop at DQ on the way home for some “small” hot fudge sundaes – notice the word “small”.  We certainly didn’t “need” it, but something cold was “Oh So Good” after chowing down on all that meat.


Now, we don’t want all you wannabees out there to feel that food, fun, and fellowship is all there is to this lifestyle, but food, fun, and fellowship is pretty much all that matters in this lifestyle.  It’s nice to go places, do things, and see the sights, but the best part is the freedom you have and the friends you meet along the way.  You can never have enough friends.

Today we’ll begin to “break camp” and get ready to roll down the highway tomorrow morning.  We’re heading back to Rainbow’s End where we’ll sit out the “severe weather” heading our way.  Then it’s onto to Natchez, Mississippi for some more good times and BBQ at the Pig Out Inn.  From there, Mike and Peggy will turn northeast heading up the Natchez Trace Parkway while Judy and I will head due east for a visit with Randy and Terry in Bonifay, Florida.

Be Sure To Make A New Friend Today and May God Bless  - - - - - - - - -

Friday, March 16, 2012

We Did It Our Way

I stayed up until one A.M. reading on Wednesday night.  Judy got up at quarter ‘til three yesterday morning.  Then I got up at half past three in the morning.  Judy put the kettle on, Judy put the kettle and we’ll all have coffee - at oh dark thirty in the wee hours of the day.   Needless to say, we were kinda sluggish all day yesterday.

We made an early morning run to Uncle Wally’s to pick up some “stuff”.  Being that we’ve been eating out so much, we didn’t need very much “stuff”, but still dropped a buck and a quarter into the till.

A mid morning meeting with the neighbors resulted in three options being laid on the table.  Go back to Boerne and do the walking tour, go to Enchanted Springs Ranch to visit a wild west town, or hunker down at home and do nutin’ honey.  Being that it was still overcast and cool with occasional rain showers outside we opted for what was behind door number three.

Around three o’clock yesterday afternnoon the clouds began to part and the sun came out so we (Mike) broke out the grill and we (Peggy, Judy, and I) prepared side dishes while he (Mike) burned the steaks.  What a yummy meal.  If we can prepare meals like that, what are we doing eating out so much?  We fed the four of us for less than it would have cost to feed two of us at a restaurant and we ate like kings and queens.  Grilled Bar-B-Cued steak, steamed broccoli, warm out of the oven bread, a nice garden salad, and chocolate pudding with whipped cream on top for dessert.  Plus some nice Shiner Bocks for the guys and tea/soda for the gals.  Some ol’ good eatin’!!!

After dinner, we just continued sitting outside enjoying the company while watching the sun set in the west.  It turned out to be a very fine day indeed.  A nice setting on top of the hill, good food, and nice folks – who could ask for anything better.

Here’s a couple of pictures that attests to the contentment that we feel.  Comfy Kitties.

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Keep On Keeping On and May God Bless  - - - - - - - - -

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Breakfast Was A Bust

All we wanted was a greasy spoon type of breakfast, but ya think we could find it?  No way.  We ended up at a place in town where the only eggs (and they weren’t real eggs) they served were scrambled and part of a buffet.  The bacon was excellent and the home made toast was very good while the rest of the buffet was almost average.  Oh well, I guess we are all getting a little tired of eating out and becoming more critical.

After “brek-fest” we visited the


Cibolo Nature Center where we discovered some actual real live honest to goodness dinosaur tracks.

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And we were able to snap a picture of this guy who was just waiting for us to move on so he could get back to the bird feeder.


Mike, Peggy, Judy, and I walked the 22 mile Wilderness Trail.  Thar ya go Gene and Judi; the four of us actually went hiking and here are some pictures to prove it. 

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While stomping through the woodland we rustled up a small herd of deer; a buck, a doe, and four yearlings.  Later we startled a huge doe who literally threw herself right through a big fence.  This fence is eight to ten feet high with a strand of barbed wire and then a smooth wire alternating every six to eight inches all the way up to the top.  Some how she managed to squeeze herself through that fence with the fur flying.  We hope she wasn’t badly hurt.

Speaking of things alternating, the rain began alternating again (as in on again, off again).  So that put the kibosh to any further outside activities for awhile.  Later in the afternoon we did make a trip to a meat store in town where we picked up some super good looking sirloin steaks for grilling (that’ll be this afternoon’s meal).  While we were at it, we stopped at DQ for some dessert – we hadn’t had dinner, but figured, what ta heck, “life is short so eat dessert first”.

So, Eat Dessert First and May God Bless  - - - - - - - - -