Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Keeping Catia Subdued

I don’t WANTA get up!!!  I was asleep when you woke me!!!  It’s way too early!!!l

That’s how my day started.  We need to get an early start again so we can be at w*rk on time.  Ugh!!!  Oh but, think of those smiling little faces, think of those hugs, think of that “I missed you Grandpa, did you miss me?”  And to think, we saw them less than 10 hours ago.  Munchkins, you can’t live with them, you can’t live without them.

Yesterday was another laid back day.  Judy continued sewing on the baby Fortner quilt, I continued reading.  We both did the daily chores and we took a dip in the pool.  It was hot and humid yesterday and the pool felt real good.

The Pink Panthers won their second game last evening, 3 to 2.  Catia played goalie the first quarter and defense the last quarter.  On Saturday, during the game, she had a hard time breathing and had pain in her chest.  Later in the afternoon her lips and cheeks started taking on a bluish tint so Jackie made her a doctor’s appointment.  She was checked out for asthma which was negative but, the doctor thinks he may have heard a heart murmur.  So she now has to go to Vanderbilt Hospital for some testing. 

In the meantime, she has to take it easy so that’s why she only played two quarters.  The goalie position has little to no running but, she wanted “into the game” so Coach Patterson let her play defense for the last quarter.  The offense position, which is what she normally plays, has continuous running for the entire quarter.  So, anyway, we’d appreciate a prayer, or two, for grand daughter Catia.  We are just glad that we have an Awesome God who we can put our trust in and know He hears our prayers.

Well, domestic engineering is all that is on our plate for today so, in the meantime, the rest of you take it easy and stay out of Isaac’s way.  May God Bless  - - - - - - - - - -