Saturday, July 07, 2012

Doing What “Normal” People Do

Not much happening, just w*rking and then coming home to do what “normal” people do after w*rk.  We had a nice dinner of sockeye salmon, sweet potato, and peas last night.  Judy whipped up some biscuits so we could have a yummy strawberry shortcake.  Nothing like have a strawberry shortcake on hot out of the oven biscuits and fresh strawberries topped with home made out of the can whipped cream.  Yum, yum!!

Today is going to be pretty much the same except with rain.  We’ll get an early start again this morning because it is complimentary breakfast day at the Resort.  Judy and I assist with the preparations and serving.  Sheesh, it’s kiesh (or egg casserole for the real men) on the menu for this morning.  There’s always sausage and other goodies to accompany the main dish.

After breakfast, I have the main gate and Judy is “roving” (come here, Rover) then it will be home, once again, to do what “normal” people do after a hard day at w*rk.  This w*rking for a living has got to go!!!!  It eats up waaaaay toooooo much time.  Besides, we want to be doing what the abnormal people do.

May God Bless  - - - - - - - -


  1. I'm sorry, but no matter what you're doing - you guys will never be normal! :) And that's why we're such good friends! Miss you!

  2. Yep...what Terry said!!!! Have a great day!! :-)
