Monday, December 13, 2010

Where Are We Heading?

It was a cold and blustery day as Mr. Sunshine was making his appearance in the eastern sky.  The cold weather always makes his rays stiff in the early morning.  This getting old is certainly not what it’s cracked up to be.

Yep, it’s cold enough to freeze the toes off a brass monkey and it’s supposed to get colder tonight.  I hope “they” (as in weather predictors) are wrong ‘cause “they” (as in weather predictors) are calling for temps in the teens tonight.  Brrrrrr to the ten power.  So, I guess we’re heading for colder weather.

People say, “Just be glad you’re not in Minneapolis right now.”  To which I reply, “I know it’s cold in Minneapolis; it’s supposed to be cold in Minneapolis.  That’s why we’re here in L. A. ‘cause it’s not supposed to be cold here.”  People say. “At least we’re not having to shovel any snow.”  Again I respond, “That’s why we’re here in L. A. ‘cause we shouldn’t even be hearing the word snow.”  If it weren’t for annual doctor’s appointments we’d be heading for warmer weather; after all, that’s why there’s wheels on our house.

Okay, enough sniveling about the weather – there’s nothing we can do about it except put on a sweater, light a fire in the fireplace, and cuddle up in the recliner with a cup of hot chocolate and a good book.  Hey, that doesn’t sound to bad at all, “do” it?  Brings back fond memories of growing up in New England.  “Honey, maybe we’ll have snow for Christmas!!”  “It’s beginning to look (feel) a lot like Christmas.”

Speaking of cuddling up inside, we didn’t go out to the Flatulence Fest or the ice cream social last night.   I was feeling “under the weather” and the last thing that I wanted to put into my queasy stomach was beans.  Also, I was so chilled that I was shivering like a dawg pooping persimmon seeds.  So not only did I have on a sweater but I was covered up with a blanket as well.

It all started Saturday afternoon.  Miss Judy was so good to me, she made me a nice cup of chicken noodle soup.  It appears that our grand parents knew best.  Instead of all these fancy medicines, all you need is a good bowl of chicken soup, a little rest, and some aspirin.  Aspirin is the wonder drug of all wonder drugs.  Every year “they” find more benefits from aspirin.  Anyhow, with some tender loving care from my bride I’m on the mend and feeling much better this morning.

So, all that is left for now is to keep warm ‘cause, “Baby It’s Cold Outside.”  Take Care Until Next Time - - - - -  

1 comment:

  1. I'm with you - part way. I agree that it's OK if it snows in MN cause that's what you would expect. But how come it's 20 degrees warmer in Maine than in LA!!! The door certainly wasn't left open at the New Hampshire border!
