Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Gunkholing Part II

Gunkholing is a strange and little known term. It is used in the nautical world, that loosely describes the act of dipping in and out of small inlets, coves, and rivers that are in shallow water.  Most people think of Gunkholing as a style of cruising local shores.  Boats from kayaks, shallow draft sail and power boats, and catamarans are ideal types of water craft to get into tiny, little known waters.  We like to expand the definition of Gunkholing to encompass interesting places that are off the beaten path and that are accessible by vehicles other than boats.

Having expounded on all of that, on Sunday afternoon Mike, Peggy, Judy, and I did some gunkholing in and around Harpswell. 

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The highlight of our day was a new find; the Giant Stairs which are located near the end of Bailey’s Island.  Here are the pictures of the stairs and the coastline in that vicinity.

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We ended the day at Len’s Fish and Chips for a birthday meal of fried haddock, one of my favorites.  So that pretty much iced my natal day celebrations.  Here’s a birthday picture of the birthday boy and his bride on their outing to the seashore to collect sea shells.


Monday was a shopping day to L. L. Bean’s.  We had a coupon that was about to expire plus another seventy dollars worth of coupons.  Judy has been wanting some new bath towels, but she wanted to see them before ordering.  They turned out to be exactly what she wanted so two bath towels, two hand towels, and two wash clothes followed us out of the store. 

We did a “drive by” of South Freeport while we were in the area and then made tracks for home.  Mike and Peggy joined us for another dinner together; this time it was an early birthday dinner for Mike since we won’t be there on his real birthday which is Friday.  Judy and I had saved up a couple pounds of Royal Red Shrimps that we steamed and served with melted butter along with some fried rice and asparagus sprinkled with olive oil, garlic salt, and shredded parmesan cheese.  Mike and I shared a blueberry cheesecake birthday cake.  Do we know how to live right or what?

Today, Tuesday, I managed to get a hair cut at Pete’s Hair Shop and then we went to breakfast at the Kopper Kettle Café.  Three must do’s whenever we are in the Topsham area is to get an Italian sandwich at Michaud’s Market, get a hair cut at Pete’s, and have at least one breakfast at the Kopper Kettle.  Once our tummies were full and we had that nice warm feeling, we proceeded to pack up the house, hitch up the mule, and head in the southwesterly direction.  Our 2013 season in Maine has come to an end.

We are now at Wilderness Lake Campground in Willington, Connecticut.  It’s a nice campground right on a cute little pond.  Actually, they own the land all the way around the pond and there are canoes on the pond for us to use while we’re here.  On top of that, they give a 50% discount for Escapees.  We are going to stay for two nights for a little decompression time.  What does that mean?  I don’t know, but I’m willing to find out.

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May the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you. (I Thessalonians 5:28)


  1. Happy birthday! Looks like you know how to celebrate right!

  2. it was great getting to visit for a few days. Enjoy the rest of your trip!
