Monday, July 11, 2011

A Day At The Park

The negatives are back and the pictures are in.  Last week we went to the park with the kids.  Here are a few scenes of busy activity.  As you can tell from the pictures, Lola is the active one.  She’s always on the move and manages to get herself in most of the pictures.  Does she remind you of someone, Terry?  Reagan, maybe?  Again, you can put the cursor over the pictures for the captions.

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In the mornings we’d watch movies to keep the little monsters occupied until it was time to throw their hinnies out side for the day.


Then, before you knew it, the week was over and it was time to pack up and go home.


We had a fun week and will see them again in New Hampshire.  Then we’ll be turning south toward Virginia with stops in Connecticut and Pennsylvania.  Until then, we have several more days here in Belfast and a few days visiting Mike and Peggy in Topsham.

Take Care Until Next Time  - - - - - -


  1. Yep! Those little drama queens are always in the picture! :) But, we wouldn't have it any other way, would we?

    Can't wait to see you guys in a couple of weeks!!

  2. How come I didn't see that slide when we were there! Now that looks like fun!!!
