Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Who’s Ya Big Daddy?

Okay, so I’m slowly taking care of business.  There’s still a lot to do on the “Ol’ Ta Do List”, but I’ve been easing into it.  I always have great expectations when I start out in the morning but sort of back off before the day is through.  However, if I only cross one thing off the list each week I’ll still have it all done before we head west this spring.

The weather has been just too nice to be w*rking.  It’s much more fun to goof off.  Besides, I spent many a year w*rking my way toward goofing off.  So, that’s just what I’m fixinto do every so often - ‘specially when the weather is good.

We did journey out to get some propane and drop books off at the library.  Whoopie, but that wasn’t the big outing of the day.  Last evening we went with Jim and Ellie for our first visit of the year to Big Daddy’s Grill.  It was just as good as last year, however, no oysters.  Due to the oil spill the price of oysters has skyrocketed so much that they don’t even bother offering them any longer.  They would have to charge close to $30 for a oyster basket dinner.  :-(

Even though we like oysters, we are trying to stay away from fried foods.  Our favorite Big Daddy’s dinner has always been the grilled shrimp basket so that’s just what we had.  Another favorite is the Big Daddy’s Burger.  Neither Judy nor I have ever had one so we’ve added that to our “bucket list”.  Jim and Ellie enjoyed Big Daddy’s.  Jim said he has to add this one to his “must come back” list.

View From Big Daddy's Grill

Here’s the latest Alex picture.  He decided it was cold the other morning so he crawled under the blanket for a little katt nap.

Nap Time!!!

Take Care Until Next Time - - - - -

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