Tuesday, December 28, 2010

More Katt Tales

People ask us all the time what it is like being fulltimer katts.  Well, it’s not exactly all meows and purrs.  Although we like to go different places and see different things, it’s not always fun getting there.  Mom and Dad try to make it comfy for us in the back seat of the truck, but it’s still not like having the convenience of our home.

Oh, there maybe a little kitty house, a scratching thingy, some food and water, and a rest room, but it’s all crammed into a four by six and a half foot space.  No room to chase each other and we have to share – yuck!!!  There maybe windows all around, but everything’s a blur.  We no more than see some cows and they are gone.

Also, we don’t like heavy traffic.  The trucks are sooooo close that it makes us more nervous than a couple of long tailed Tom katts in a room full of rocking chairs.  Then there’s the pit stops which are the pits.  We get our hopes up that we have arrived only to have them dashed again while the truck gets a drink of number 2 diesel fuel (at a very expensive price, we might add). 

Then it’s back on the road again.  Katie sleeps most of the trip while Alex wanders about letting everyone know that he is the boss and someone should be listening to him.  Finally we arrive somewhere.  It takes us katts a couple of days just to figure out where we are, however, sometimes we only stay overnight so we don’t know where we are, where we’ve been, or where we’re going.  Curiosity killed the katt, ya know?

Mom and Dad don’t always tell us when we’re going to head out on a trip.  We may have been born at night, but it wasn’t last night so we know.  There are certain things that begin to happen a few days before we pull up roots.  We notice, but we don’t let on.  As the time approaches more and more things get put away.  When we see the plant heading for the shower, we know the time is at hand.  Katie plays hard to get while Alex just gives Mom and Dad “the look”.

For katts it is said that we travel very well, but let’s not get carried away.  We pretty much dislike every minute of the trip, but arriving at a new destination where we will stay for a little while is just great.  We get to see new scenery, lots of new birds, mountains, plains, and field of grains.  Let’s not forget lakes, rivers, and streams.  It’s really quite beautiful. 

Plus, we get to meet new people, but visitors and fish begin to stink after a couple hours of sitting around.  That is an opinion that’s not exactly shared by Mom and Dad.  They enjoy visiting hours on end while Katie and Alex go and curl up on the bed.

So, other than banging over the roads, fulltiming is the best.  We katts enjoy our little house on wheels and enjoy settling in with Mom and Dad for the evening while looking out over a new vista.  Therefore, Happy Trails to you!!!

By the way, we are somewhere along the side of the road in Alabama on the last leg of our Christmas trip.  We should be “home” by noontime today, at least that’s what mom said.  Hopefully the ol’ man will be feeling better tomorrow and up to the task of writing the journal entry.  He owes you a Christmas trip recap.  Meow for now!! 

Katie  and Alex

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